Today, we celebrate International Day Against Homophobia, Transphobia and Biphobia (IDAHOBIT).
At East Africa Visual Artists, we cannot think of a more timely time as we continue to spread awareness against religious homophobia, biphobia, transphobia or any other form of phobia rooted in disagreement with someone’s gender identity or sexual orientation. “Africa is a very religious continent and we cannot ignore the magnitude of impact religion has on social services for example in Uganda today; trusted hospitals or schools are those run by religious groups. It is safe to conclude that dealing with religious homophobia is a big step towards dealing with homophobia as a whole,” said Vincent Kyabayinze the Executive director at EAVA.
last week one of the shelters for LBQ women in Uganda was raided and the occupants asked to undress before officers so that they could determine their sex and later accuse them of pretending to be what they aren’t.
What was meant to be the first-ever LGBT+ conference in the United Kingdom ‘Safe To Be Me’ LGBT conference was cancelled earlier this year after a boycott because the government refused to ban conversion therapy for transgender persons. Every day around the world members of the sexual and gender minority community are harassed and seeking Justice is an uphill task because of the rooted systemic homophobia.
This IDAHOBIT as East Africa Visual Artists, we call upon affirming ministers to be more intentional in educating their siblings in ministry; being affirming extends as far as taking the step to walk others to their affirmation. We ask that mainstream media stop reporting carelessly on LGBTQ+ persons because this only fuels society’s homophobia. To the LGBTQ+ community, we are proud of you, that even though every system has been set up to fail you, you have not failed, and IDAHOBIT is celebrated even in countries that criminalize homosexuality. We know that we still have a very long way to go as a movement but we also appreciate that we are not where we began.
Happy IDAHOBIT 2022